Items where Author is "Martens, Alke"

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Castro Benavides, L.M. and Tamayo Arias, J.A. and Burgos, D. and Martens, Alke (2022) Measuring digital transformation in higher education institutions – content validity instrument. Applied Computing and Informatics. Emerald Publishing Limited. ISSN 2634-1964.

Martens, Alke and Sandkuhl, Kurt and Lantow, Birger and Lehmann, Holger and Lettau, Wolf-Dieter and Radisch, Falk (2019) An evaluation approach for smart support of teaching and learning processes. Smart Learning Environments, 6 (1). p. 2.

Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Nagorsnick, Marian and Nicolay, Robin and Martens, Alke (2017) Bringing Hyperspectral Imaging into Clinical Practice with Computer Science Methods. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik (BMT).

Martens, Alke and Vasiu, Radu and Wolff, Annika (2016) Preface - Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development. Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A, 31. pp. 3-4.

Ruddeck, Geraldine and Maciuszek, Dennis and Weicht, Martina and Martens, Alke (2011) Communication Patterns in Component-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems. CEPIS UPGRADE, 12 (2). pp. 26-33.

Ruddeck, Geraldine and Maciuszek, Dennis and Weicht, Martina and Martens, Alke (2011) Patrones de communication en sistemas tutores inteligentes basados en componentes. Novatica, 210. pp. 17-22.

Martens, Alke and Maciuszek, Dennis and Ruddeck, Geraldine and Weicht, Martina (2011) Plug 'n Train - A Component Based Approach. Interaction Design and Architectures Journal, Special Issue on Design Centered and Personalized Learning, 9-10. pp. 22-36.

Martens, Alke and Maciuszek, Dennis and Ruddeck, Geraldine and Weicht, Martina (2010) Plug ' n Train — A Component Based Approach. Design Centered and Personalized Learning in Liquid and Ubiquitous Learning Places (DULP): Future Visions and Practical Implementations, 9-10. pp. 22-36.

Martens, Alke (2008) Adaption formal. Zeitschrift für eLearning, Themenheft Adaptivität.

Martens, Alke and Diener, Holger and Malo, Steffen (2008) Game-based Learning with Computers — Learning, Simulations, and Games. Transactions on Edutainment, LNCS, 5080. pp. 172-190.

Book Section

Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Bartel, Katrin and Martens, Alke (2024) Lessons Learned zur Steuerung von Projekten in der universitären Lehrkräftebildung. In: Quo Vadis? Tagung zur digitalen Lehre und Lehrkräftebildung in M-V. Tagung am 4. und 5. Oktober 2023, Online und Präsenz. pp. 192-199.

Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Bartel, Katrin and Martens, Alke (2024) Rahmenbedingungen für Transfers zwischen Fachdidaktik und Bildungswissenschaft am Beispiel des Projekts Digitalisierung Lehrkräftebildung (Universität Rostock). In: Fachdidaktik im Zentrum von Forschungstransfer und Transferforschung: Beiträge der GFD-ÖGFD-Tagung Wien 2022. Fachdidaktische Forschungen, 16 . Waxmann. pp. 343-356. ISBN 978-3-8309-4804-9.

Schätz, Eric and Martens, Alke (2024) A Systematic Approach Towards Physical Computing Systems for Educations. In: Smart Learning Environments in the Post Pandemic Era: Selected Papers from the CELDA 2022 Conference. Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age ((CELDA)) . Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham. pp. 135-146. ISBN 978-3-031-54207-7.

Drews, Pia and Martens, Alke (2021) "Study Properly": Digital Support for the Pre-student Phase. In: Orchestration of Learning Environments in the Digital World. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-90943-7.

Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Martens, Alke (2020) Zur Mehrdeutigkeit des Begriffs Digitalisierung im schulischen Kontext. In: Bildung, Schule, Digitalisierung. Waxmann Verlag GmbH, Münster. pp. 457-463. ISBN 978-3-8309-4246-7.

Lehmann, Holger and Martens, Alke and Sandkuhl, Kurt (2017) Das Lehr-/Lern-Portal „MeinKosmos”:~Konzept, Technologie und Realisierung. In: Lebenslanges Lernen an Hochschulen. Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München, München. pp. 61-93. ISBN 3960910614.

Sandkuhl, Kurt and Lantow, Birger and Lehmann, Holger and Lettau, Wolf-Dieter and Martens, Alke and Radisch, Falk and Stamer, Dirk (2017) Ein Evaluationsansatz für die IT-Unterstützung von Lehr-Lernprozessen. In: Lebenslanges Lernen an Hochschulen. Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München, München. ISBN 3960910614.

Martens, Alke (2015) Software Engineering and Modeling in TEL. In: The New Development of Technology Enhanced Learning: Concept, Research and Best Practice. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Educational Technology.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Weicht, Martina and Martens, Alke (2014) Composing Game-based Learning Scenarios by Connecting Instructional Design Patterns. In: Game-based Learning: Challenges and Opportunities. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK. pp. 29-45.

Rott, Anne and Martens, Alke (2014) Methodenkatalog für den Einsatz von Web 2.0 im Unterricht. In: Lernen im Web 2.0 -- Erfahrungen aus Berufsbildung und Studium. Bundesministerium für Berufsbildung.

Martens, Alke and Malzahn, Nils and Hoppe, H Ulrich (2014) Pattern-Based Approaches to Introducing New Technologies in Vocational Training. In: ICT in Education in Globas Context. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. pp. 199-141. ISBN 978-3-662-43926-5.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2013) Balancing Instruction and Construction in Virtual World Learning. In: Serious Games and Multi User Environments in Professional Development and Healthcare. IGI Global.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Ladhoff, Sebastian and Martens, Alke (2013) Content Design Patterns for Game-based Learning. In: Developments in Current Game-based Learning Design and Deployment. pp. 113-135.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke and Lucke, Ulrike and Zender, Raphael (2013) Second Life as a Virtual Lab Environment. In: Beyond the Hype: Advantage and Prospects of 3D Virtual Environments für Education and Business. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany. pp. 165-202.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2011) A Reference Architecture for Game-Based Intelligent Tutoring. In: Handbook of Research on Improving Learning and Motivation through Educational Games : Multidisciplinary Approaches. Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global). pp. 658-682. ISBN 9781609604950.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2011) Sexismus und Ageismus in Computerspielen: Rollenstereotype und emanzipatorische Tendenzen. In: Geschlecht-- Generation-- Altern. LIT, Münster, Germany. pp. 207-228.

Martens, Alke and Harrer, Andreas (2010) Intelligent Tutoring Systems Architecture Rebuilt — A Pattern Approach. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems in eLearning Environments. Information Science Publishing, Idea Group Inc.. pp. 70-86. ISBN 978-1-61692-008-1.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2010) Patterns for the design of educational games. In: Educational Games: Design, Learning and Applications. Nova Science Publishing, Hauppauge, NY, USA. pp. 263-279. ISBN 978-1-60876-692-5.

Harrer, Andreas and Martens, Alke (2010) A heterogeneous pattern language for collaborative learning systems and intelligent tutoring systems. In: Technologyenhanced learning: Design Patterns and Pattern Languages. Sense Publisher, Roterdam. pp. 153-166. ISBN 978-94-6091-060-9.

Martens, Alke and Hambach, Sybille and Lucke, Ulrike (2009) Multi-perspective Cooperation based on Boundary Objects. In: In Proc. of the ICALT, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. pp. 476-478.

Martens, Alke and Cap, Clemens H. (2009) Patterns for eLearning Systems. In: Proc. of the 2nd eLBa 2009 e-Learning Baltics International Scientific Conference. Fraunhofer IRB, Stuttgart, Germany. pp. 115-124.

Martens, Alke (2008) Models in e-Learning Systems. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology.

Martens, Alke (2008) Simulation in Teaching and Training. In: Encyclopedia of Information Technology Curriculum Integration. IGI Global.

Harrer, Andreas and Martens, Alke (2008) Software Engineering in e-Learning Systems. In: Encyclopedia of Information Technology Curriculum Integration.

Martens, Alke and Grüter, B. and Hambach, Sybille (2008) Workshop Game-based Learning. In: Workshop Proceedings der Tagungen Mensch und Computer 2008, Delfi 2008 und Cognitive Design 2008. Logos, Berlin. pp. 333-370.

Martens, Alke (2007) Encyclopedia of Information Technology Curriculum Integration. In: UNSPECIFIED IGI Global. xx.

Harrer, Andreas and Martens, Alke (2007) Using Patterns for ITS Development. In: Architecture Solutions for E-Learning Systems. Information Science Publishing, Idea Group Inc.. ISBN 978-1599046334.

Martens, Alke (2005) Modeling of Adaptive Tutoring Processes. In: Web-Based Intelligent e-Learning Systems: Technologies and Applications. Information Science Publishing, Idea Group Inc., Hershey, London. pp. 193-215.

Conference or Workshop Item

Kooshesh, Azadeh and Martens, Alke and Nicolay, Robin (2024) Advancing Signal Processing through Transfer Learning Innovations in Health Industry. In: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Sciences (EECSS'24), August 19-21, Barcelona, Spain. DOI:

Schätz, Eric and Hellmig, Lutz and Martens, Alke (2024) Analysis of Student-Problems While Working with Physical Computing Devices. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU, Angers, France. SciTePress. pp. 322-329. DOI: ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2. ISSN: 2184-5026.

Schätz, Eric and Hellmig, Lutz and Martens, Alke (2023) Analysis of Multiple Disciplines while working with Physical Computing Devices. In: Proceedings of the 18th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research, Cambridge, UK. ACM, New York, NY, USA. pp. 1-2. DOI: ISBN: 979-8-4007-0851-0.

Göbel, Lisa and Hellmig, Lutz and Martens, Alke (2023) An Analysis of Teaching Informatics by means of Enactive-Haptic Representations. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2: CSEDU. SciTePress. pp. 207-212. DOI: ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5. ISSN: 2184-5026.

Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Martens, Alke (2023) Beforschung innovativer, interdisziplinärer Projekte in der universitären Lehrkräftebildung. In: Internationale Jahrestagung der DGfE Sektion Organisationspädagogik zum Thema Organisation und Innovation, Linz.

Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Martens, Alke and Bartel, Katrin (2023) Begleitforschung des Projekts Digitalisierung Lehrkräftebildung (Universität Rostock): Theoretische Grundlagen, methodisches Vorgehen, empirische Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen. In: Proceedings of the 18. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung GfHf.

Schätz, Eric and Martens, Alke (2023) Characterization of Physical Computing Devices By Attributes From A Pedagogical Perspective. In: Proceedings of the CELDA 2023, International Conference on Cognition and Learning in the Digital Age.

Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Martens, Alke (2023) Contextual Factors for the Implementation of a Curriculum form the Point of View of Computer Science. In: Proceedings of the INTED2023, International Iated Conference.

Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Martens, Alke (2023) Fachdidaktische (Forschungs-)Formate in der Informatikdidaktik. In: INFOS 2023 - Informatikunterricht zwischen Aktualität und Zeitlosigkeit, 20.-22. September 2023, Würzburg. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. pp. 439-440. DOI: ISBN: 978-3-88579-730-2. ISSN: 1617-5468.

Davieds, Franziska and Hellmig, Lutz and Martens, Alke (2023) Informatische Grundbildung im Lehramtsstudium – Konzeption und Erkenntnisse aus einem Pilotprojekt. In: 10. Fachtagung Hochschuldidaktik Informatik (HDI).

Martens, Alke and Hoese, Daniela and Dunkel, Michelle and Drews, Pia and Seep, Jan-Arne and Winkel, Paul (2023) Möglichkeiten der Förderung der Potenziale innerhalb des Unterrichts. In: Konferenzband der LEMAS Tagung 2023.

Schätz, Eric and Martens, Alke (2022) PHYSICAL COMPUTING SYSTEMS – A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH. In: 19th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Lisbon, Portugal. CELDA 2022 Book of Proceedings. IADIS Press. ISBN: 978-989-8704-43-6.

Schätz, Eric and Martens, Alke (2022) Attributes of Physical Computing Systems – a Perspective of Pedagogy. In: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain. EDULEARN22 Proceedings. IATED. DOI: ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9. ISSN: 2340-1117.

Göbel, Lisa and Martens, Alke and Hellmig, Lutz (2022) An Analysis for the Mediation of Informatic Concepts by Means of Enactive-Haptic Presentation. In: ISSEP 2022, 15th International Conference on Informatics in Schools.

Schätz, Eric and Martens, Alke and Hellmig, Lutz (2022) Analysis of the educational potential of attributes of physical computing systems for the development of computational thinking. In: ISSEP 2022, 15th International Conference on Informatics in Schools.

Schätz, Eric and Martens, Alke and Hellmig, Lutz (2022) Semiformale Analyse von Physical Computing. In: Nachwuchskonferenz der Didaktik der Informatik im Zusammenhang mit der WiPSCE 2022, 17th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Morschach, Schweiz.

Drews, Pia and Martens, Alke (2021) Digital Support for the Pre-student Phase. In: CELDA Conference (Cognition and Learning in the Digital Age). Proceedings of the internationals CELDA Conference.

Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Martens, Alke (2021) Erfassung der berufsbezogenen Überzeugungen von Informatiklehrkräften - methodologisch diskutiert. In: Sektionstagung "Empirische Bildungsforschung" der DGfE. Proceedings of the Sektionstagung "Empirische Bildungsforschung" der DGfE.

Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Martens, Alke (2021) Implement Adaptation in a Case Based ITS. In: CELDA Conference (Cognition and Learning in the Digital Age). Proceedings of the internationals CELDA Conference.

Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Martens, Alke (2021) LehrerInnentypologie als Wegweiserin für Fortbildungen. In: "Wieviel Wissenschaft braucht Lehrerbildung", Regensburg. Proc. of the Conference "Wieviel Wissenschaft braucht Lehrerbildung".

Kutun, Bahar and Martens, Alke and Schmidt, Werner (2021) Motivational Power of Gamification: The Effect of Playful Learning on Psychological Needs of Self-Determination Theory. In: EnD - International Conference of Education and Developments. Proceedings of: EnD - International Conference of Education and Developments.

Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Hellmig, Lutz and Martens, Alke (2020) State of the art in curriculum research from the perspective of german Computer Science teachers. In: ICERI 2020, Seville, Spain. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. IATED.

Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Martens, Alke (2020) DigiCare - Ein intelligentes Lehr-/Lernsystem für Gesundheitsberufe. In: DELFI 2020 – Die 18. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, P-308. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. pp. 91-96. ISBN: 978-3-88579-702-9. ISSN: 1617-5468.

Vawter, Laura and Martens, Alke (2020) Exploring Collaboration and Exploratory Talk in Microworlds. In: European Conference on Game-based Learning ECGBL 2020, Online. Academic Conferences International Limited. ISBN: 978-1-912764-71-6. ISSN: 2049-0992.

Nicolay, Robin and Martens, Alke (2020) Synthesis of knowledge tracing models using natural language processing on lecture content. In: EDULEARN20, Online Conference. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED. pp. 1659-1666. DOI: ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4. ISSN: 2340-1117.

Drews, Pia and Martens, Alke (2020) Digital Support for the Pre-Student Phase is Successful. In: CELDA 2020, Online Conference. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age. IADIS. pp. 133-140. ISBN: 978-989-8704-22-1.

Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Martens, Alke (2020) General ITS Software Architecture and Framework. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems - 16. International Conference ITS 2020, Greece. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12149. Springer International Publishing. pp. 17-22. DOI: ISBN: 978-3-030-49663-0.

Waßmann, Ingolf and Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Martens, Alke (2020) Train4U - Mobile Sport Diagnostic Expert System for User-Adaptive Training. In: IACSS 2019. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport. Springer, Cham. pp. 77-85. DOI: ISBN: 978-3-030-35048-2.

Vawter, Laura and Martens, Alke (2019) Task Analysis in CALL Software. In: European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), Odense, Denmark. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. 925-XXIII.

Vawter, Laura and Martens, Alke (2019) Categorizing Software Feedback in Current Language Software. In: ICALT 2019 Proceedings. 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2161. IEEE. pp. 258-260. DOI:

Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Martens, Alke (2019) A comparable foundation for ITS research loop and subfields. In: EDULEARN19 Proceedings, Palma, Spain. 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED. pp. 1402-1409. DOI: ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4. ISSN: 2340-1117.

Vawter, Laura and Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Martens, Alke (2019) The implications of ITS research on CALL software. In: EDULEARN19 Proceedings, Palma, Spain. 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED. pp. 1562-1568. DOI: ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4. ISSN: 2340-1117.

Vawter, Laura and Martens, Alke (2019) An Analysis of Current Language Learning Software. In: CSEDU 2019 Proceedings, Heraklion, Greece. 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 1. SciTePress. pp. 175-183. DOI: ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4.

Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Martens, Alke (2019) Analyzing the usage of the classical ITS software architecture and refining it. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems. ITS 2019. 15th International Conference Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11528. Springer, Cham. pp. 40-46. DOI: ISBN: 978-3-030-22243-7.

Andrzejewski, D. and Beck, E. and Fellmann, M. and Breitschwerdt, R. and Martens, Alke (2019) Entscheidungsfindung in der Senologie - aktueller Stand und zukünftige Forschung. In: Proceedings des Senologiekongresses 2019, 39. Jahrestagung der DGS, Berlin, Germany.

Stecker, Matthias and Nicolay, Robin and Martens, Alke (2019) HCI Design for Mobile Devices with a Sensor System for Performance Diagnostic in Sports. In: HCI International 2019 - Posters. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1033. Springer International Publishing, Cham. pp. 259-264. DOI: ISBN: 978-3-030-23528-4.

Drews, Pia and Martens, Alke (2019) Juniorstudium - Study Digital While Going to School. In: 18. International Conference on Web-based Learning ICWL 2019, 23.-25. September, Magdeburg, Germany.

Nicolay, Robin and Martens, Alke (2018) Teaching Cognitive Science Concepts on Neuroevoluting Augmenting Topologies. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings, Palma, Spain. 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED. pp. 4388-4394. DOI: ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5. ISSN: 2340-1117.

Nicolay, Robin and Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Auge, Tanja and Martens, Alke (2017) Autonomous Semantic Structuring of Lecture Topics - Synthesis of Knowledge Models. In: 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. pp. 349-355. DOI:

Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Nicolay, Robin and Martens, Alke (2017) Centralizing the Teaching Process in Intelligent Tutoring System Architectures. In: 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT, France.

Waßmann, Ingolf and Rikert, Cindy and Martens, Alke (2017) Empirical study and perspective of learning networks in digital age. In: 9th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN). pp. 1858-1865.

Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Nagorsnick, Marian and Martens, Alke (2017) Hyperspectral Imaging and Clinical Practice – Approach to Integrate a New Diagnostic Tool. In: Jahrestagung der BIOMEDIZINISCHEN TECHNIK und Dreiländertagung der MEDIZINISCHEN PHYSIK, BMTMedPhys..

Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Nagorsnick, Marian and Martens, Alke (2017) Hyperspectral Wound Diagnostic – Analysis of Clinical Practice and Diagnosis Support. In: 62. Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V., Germany.

Martens, Alke and Nicolay, Robin and Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels (2017) Hyperspectral imaging and clinical practice – approach to integrate a new diagnostic too. In: forschungscamp2017, Universität Rostock, Germany, Rostock.

Martens, Alke and Nicolay, Robin and Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Nagorsnick, Marian (2017) Integration neuer diagnostischer Verfahren in den klinischen Alltag. In: Symposium Hyperspektrale Bildgebung in der Medizin (HSI), Germany.

Graf von Malotky, Nikolaj Troels and Nicolay, Robin and Martens, Alke (2017) Synthesis of pedagogical annotations. In: 9th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies EDULEARN, Spain.

Nicolay, Robin and Schwennigcke, Bastian and Sahl, Sarah and Martens, Alke (2016) Visualisierung konzeptuellen Lernens durch semantische Vernetzung sequenzieller Lehrinhalte. In: Informatik 2016, 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 26.-30. September 2016, Klagenfurt, Österreich. pp. 1009-1016.

Waßmann, Ingolf and Nicolay, Robin and Martens, Alke (2016) Connectivist Communication Networks. In: 13th International Conference on Cogniton and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA) Proceedings. pp. 279-282. ISBN: 9789898533555.

Nicolay, Robin and Schwennigcke, Bastian and Sahl, Sarah and Martens, Alke (2015) Learner-Content-Interface as an Approach for self-reliant and student-centered Learning. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age CELDA, Dublin, Ireland.

Nagorsnick, Marian and Martens, Alke (2015) Music as Active Information Ressource for Players in Video Games. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age CELDA, Dublin, Ireland.

Sahl, Sarah and Martens, Alke (2015) Process Models in E-Learning -- Bottom-up or Top-down? In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age CELDA, Dublin, Ireland.

Martens, Alke and Hellmig, Lutz (2014) Blends, Patterns and Flips -- a Method Based Approach. In: Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT, Athens, Greece.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2014) Construction Spaces for the Design of Learning Tasks in Virtual Worlds. In: Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Game-based Learning (ECGBL), Reading, UK. Academic Publishing.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2012) Creating Game-based Learning Scenarios by Composing Instructional Design Patterns. In: 2nd Symposium on Game-based Learning, Waterford, Ireland.

Weicht, Martina and Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2012) Designing Virtual Experiments in the Context of Marine Science. In: International Workshop on Remote Virtual Laboratories in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) at the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT, Rome, Italy. pp. 712-713.

Rausch, Steven and Faßhauer, Uwe and Martens, Alke (2012) Evaluation of competence development in WoW. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Edutainment and Game Days 2012. LNCS, 7516. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). pp. 78-88. DOI: ISBN: 9783642334658. ISSN: 03029743.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2012) Integrating cognitive tasks in game acitivities. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2012, Rome, Italy. pp. 376-378. DOI: ISBN: 9780769547022.

Rott, Anne and Martens, Alke (2012) Katalog didaktisch aufbereiteter Web 2.0 Methoden für die berufliche Bildung. In: Workshop Web 2.0 in der beruflichen Bildung auf der DeLFI — Deutsche eLearning Fachtagung Informatik.

Rausch, Steven and Faßhauer, Uwe and Martens, Alke (2012) Kompetenzentwicklung in Computerspielen am Beispiel von WoW. In: Proceedings of the 10s DeLFI, Deutsche eLearning Fachtagung Informatik, Hagen, Germany. GI Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. pp. 111-122.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Weicht, Martina and Martens, Alke (2012) Seamless Integration of Game and Learning Using Modeling and Simulation. In: Proc. of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2011) Cognitive Tasks and Collaborative Agents for Microadaptive Game Activities. In: European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Rostock, Germany. pp. 271-272.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2011) Computer Role-Playing Games as an Educational Game Genre: Activities and Reflection. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Game-based Learning ECGBL 2011, Athens, Greece.

Neef, Alexander and Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2011) Game-based Business Simulations -- Analysing a Genre. In: 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Athens, Greece. CPS/IEEE, USA. pp. 366-368.

Tausch, Alexander and Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2011) Immersive Didactics in Game-based Learning: The Geo-Speed Case Study. In: Proc. of the 4th eLearning Baltics International Scientific Conference, Rostock, Germany. Fraunhofer IRB Rostock. pp. 123-132.

Hellmig, Lutz and Martens, Alke (2010) Blended Learning — Ein sinnloser Begriff? In: Proc. of the International Scientific eLearning Baltics Conference eLBa 2010, Rostock, Germany. pp. 215-224.

Ruddeck, Geraldine and Martens, Alke (2010) Communication Patterns in Component-based ITS. In: Proc. of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Ruddeck, Geraldine and Martens, Alke (2010) Component-based Development of Educational Games: The Case of the User Interface. In: 4th European Conference on Game-based Learning.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2010) Computer Rollenspiele als didaktikübergreifendes Lernspielgenre. In: 4th Workshop on Game-based Learning. Fraunhofer IGD Rostock. pp. 43-58.

Hambach, Sybille and Martens, Alke (2010) Mit Information kompetent umgehen — Ein Ausbildungskonzept für Schule und Hochschule. In: eLearning Baltics International Scientific Conference, Rostock, Germany. pp. 236-245.

Ruddeck, Geraldine and Martens, Alke (2010) Towards a Tutoring System for Biology Students learning Modeling and Simulation. In: European Conference on Simulation EUROSIM.

Lucke, Ulrike and Martens, Alke (2010) Utilization of Semantic Networks for Education: On the Enhancement of Existing Learning Objects with Topic Maps in ML3. In: Proc. of the 5th international Workshop on Applications of Semantic Technologies at the Informatik Conference.

Martens, Alke and Hellmig, Lutz and Bader, Sebastian (2010) Where to put pervasion in education? In: 3rd Workshop on Pervasive Education at the UbiComp International Conference for Ubiquitous Computing, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Martens, Alke and Hambach, Sybille and Müsebeck, Petra (2009) The Generic Process Model ROME. In: elba - eLearning Baltics International Scientific Conference, Rostock, Germany. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag Rostock. pp. 105-114.

Zender, Ralf and Lucke, Ulrike and Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2009) Interconnection of Game Worlds and Physical Worlds. In: Net Games Workshop IEE and ACM AIGCOMM SIGMM, Paris, France.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Ruddeck, Geraldine and Weicht, Martina and Martens, Alke (2009) Plug 'n Train für Game-based Learning. In: Gi Workshop Game-based Learning. Part of the Conference DeLFI 2009, Germany.

Martens, Alke and Hambach, Sybille and Müsebeck, Petra (2009) ROME — a Generic Process Modell for Interdisciplinary E-Learning Systems Design and Development. In: Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA 2009-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. pp. 1372-1377.

Weicht, Martina and Martens, Alke (2009) Reverse Engineering to Task Models to Provide Computer Interation Assistance. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Inclusive E-Learning: Special Needs and Special Solutions.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2009) Story Patterns for the Design of Game-based Learning Experiences. In: Proc. of the 3rd European Conference on Game-based Learning, Graz, Austria.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2009) Towards Intelligent Tutoring Systems Based on Computer Role Playing Games. In: Proceedings of the 80 days Workshop.

Maciuszek, Dennis and Martens, Alke (2009) Virtuelle Labore als Simulationsspiele. In: Proceedings of the Workshop PerU at the Conference Informatik 2009.

Martens, Alke (2008) Game-based Learning - Der Prof. mit der Pappnase? In: Commentarii informaticae didacticae 1, Hochschuldidaktik der Informatik Tagungsband des 3. Workshops HDI2008, Potsdam, Germany.

Martens, Alke and Himmelspach, Jan and Ewald, Roland (2008) Games and Simulation. In: GI Workshop Game-based Learning. Part of the Conference DeLFI 2008, Lübeck, Germany.

Martens, Alke and Himmelspach, Jan and Ewald, Roland (2008) Modeling, Simulation and Games. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Game-based Learning at the DeLFI 2008. LNI.

Martens, Alke and Himmelspach, Jan and Ewald, Roland (2008) Spiele und Simulation. In: Proc. of the International Scientific E-Learning Baltics Conference.

Hambach, Sybille and Martens, Alke (2008) Systems Engineering for Technology Enhanced Learning. In: Proc. of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning ECTEL. Springer, Lectures Notes in Computer Science LNCS 5192.

Oertel, Marcus and Himmelspach, Jan and Martens, Alke (2008) Teaching and Training System plus Modeling and Simulation - A Plug-In Based Approach. In: Tenth International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (EuroSim/UKSim2008). IEEE Computer Society. pp. 475-480. DOI: ISBN: 978-0-7695-3114-4.

Martens, Alke and Harrer, Andreas (2007) An Integrative Approach for Teaching/Tutoring Process Models using Meta-Models. In: Proc. of the CELDA Conference. pp. 243-249.

Martens, Alke (2006) Time in the Adaptive Tutoring Process Model. In: Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS. Springer. pp. 134-143.

Harrer, Andreas and Martens, Alke (2006) Towards a Pattern Language for Intelligent Teaching and Training Systems. In: 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS, Chungli, Taiwan.

Martens, Alke (2006) Towards a Tutoring Process Model with Time. In: International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2006. IEEE Computer Society. pp. 1014-1016.

Harrer, Andreas and Martens, Alke (2005) Ansatz zur Definition einer Mustersprache für Lehr-/Lernsysteme. In: Proc. der 3. Deutschen Fachtagung eLearning für Informatik, Rostock, Germany.

Martens, Alke and Himmelspach, Jan (2005) Combining Intelligent Tutoring and Simulation Systems. In: Proc. of the Internat. Conference on Simulation in Human Computer Interfaces, SIMCHI, Part of the Western Multi Conference WMC '05, New Orleans, USA. pp. 65-70.

Diener, Holger and Malo, Steffen and Martens, Alke (2005) Game-based Learning - Spiel, Simulation und Lernen. In: Proc. of the Workshop ''Game-based Learning'' at the DeLFI Conference 2005, Rostock, Germany. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag. pp. 9-23.

Ober, Christian and Martens, Alke (2005) TutMosi-I : Spielerisches Lernen von Modellbildung und Simulation Fallbasiertes Lernen in Modellbildung und Simulation. In: Gi Workshop Game-based Learning. Part of the Conference DeLFI 2005, Rostock, Germany.

Diener, Holger and Malo, Steffen and Martens, Alke and Urban, Bodo (2005) Workshop Game-based Learning. In: Proc. of the Workshop ''Game-based Learning'' at the DeLFI Conference 2005, Rostock, Germany. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag.

Harrer, Andreas and Martens, Alke (2004) Adaptivität in E-Learning Standards — ein vernachlässigtes Thema? In: Deutsche eLearning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik GI, Paderborn, Germany.

Martens, Alke (2004) Case- based Training with Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT, Joensuu, Finland. pp. 191-195.

Martens, Alke and Uhrmacher, A M (2004) A Formal Tutoring Process Model for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In: Proc. of the 16th European Artificial Intelligence Conference ECAI, Valencia, Spain. pp. 124-128.

Martens, Alke and Harrer, Andreas (2004) Lehr-Lernsysteme — Welche Rolle spielt die Künstliche Intelligenz gestern, heute, morgen? In: GI Workshop Teaching and Learning Systems — the role of AI in past, present, future? part of the conference 27. Tagung Künstliche Intelligenz, Ulm, Germay.

Martens, Alke (2004) Modellierung von Tutoring Prozessen für ITS. In: GI Workshop Modellierung als Schlüsselkonzept für Intelligente Tutorielle Systeme, Part of the Conference Modellierung, Marburg, Germany.

Martens, Alke and Uhrmacher, A M (2004) Modelling of Tutoring Processes in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In: Proc. of the 27th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 3238 KI 2004. Springer. pp. 396-409.

Martens, Alke (2003) Cognitive Processes in Case-based Training with Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In: Proc. of the GI Workshop 'Expressive Media and Intelligent Tools for Learning', 26th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence KI-2003, Hamburg, Germany.

Martens, Alke (2003) Discussing the ITS Architecture. In: Proc. of the GI Workshop 'Expressive Media and Intelligent Tools for Learning', 26th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence KI-2003, Hamburg, Germany. LNCS 3238 / 2004. Springer. p. 396.

Martens, Alke (2003) Centralize the Tutoring Process in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In: Proc. of the 5th Internat. Conf. New Educational Environments ICNEE 2003, Lucerne, Switzerland. net4net. pp. 209-214.

Martens, Alke (2003) Support Cognitive Processes in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In: Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on Cognitive Modelling ICCM 2003, Posterpresentation, Bamberg, Germany.

Martens, Alke (2002) Ein adaptiver und flexibler Tutoring Prozess für fallbasiertes Lernen in Intelligenten Tutoring Systemen. In: Proc. of the Workshop ''Lehren-Lernen-Adaptivität'' (LLA02) der GI, Hannover.

Martens, Alke (2002) Adapting Learner Evaluation by Plans. In: Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on Adaptive Hypermedia, AH02, Posterpresentation, Malaga, Spain.

Martens, Alke and Uhrmacher, A M (2002) Adaptive Tutor Prozesses and Mental Plans. In: Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Biarritz, France. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2363. Springer. pp. 71-80.

Volz, Edwin and Martens, Alke and Seitz, Alexander and Weber, Michael (2002) An Execution System For Variable Tutoring Processes. In: International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2002), Auckland, New Zealand.

Martens, Alke and Bernauer, Jochen and Illmann, Torsten and Seitz, Alexander (2001) "Docs 'n Drugs - The Virtual Polyclinic" An Intelligent Tutoring System for Web-Based and Case-Oriented Training in Medicine. In: Proc. of the American Medical Informatics Association Conference 2001, AMIA 01, Washington, USA. pp. 433-437.

Illmann, Torsten and Martens, Alke and Seitz, Alexander and Weber, Michael (2001) Structure of Training Cases in Web-based Case-Oriented Training Systems. In: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT, Kusadasi, Turkey.

Martens, Alke and Uhrmacher, A M (2001) Teaching Modeling and Simulation - A Web and Case-based Scenario. In: Proc. of the Summer Simulation Conference, San Diego. SCS.

Martens, Alke and Illmann, Torsten and Seitz, Alexander and Scheuerer, Claudia and Weber, Michael and Bernauer, Jochen (2000) CSCW in webbasierten Lernsystemen. In: 5. Workshop der AG CBT der GMDS, Köln, Germany. pp. 90-95.

Martens, Alke and Bernauer, Jochen and Illmann, Torsten and Scheuerer, Claudia and Seitz, Alexander (2000) A Flexible Architecture for Constructing and Executing Tutoring Processes. In: Proc. of the 45th Jahrestagung der GMDS, Hannover, Germany. pp. 494-498.

Martens, Alke and Uhrmacher, A M (2000) How to Execute a Tutoring Process. In: AI, Simulation and Planning, Tucson, Arizona. AIS. pp. 114-122.

Martens, Alke and Bernauer, Jochen (1999) Docs 'n Drugs - A System for Case-Oriented and Web-Based Training in Medicine. In: Proc. of the AMIA 99, American Medical Informatics Association, Posterpresentation, Washington D.C., USA.

Scheuerer, Claudia and Martens, Alke and Bernauer, Jochen and Illmann, Torsten and Seitz, Alexander and Weber, Michael (1999) Docs 'n Drugs — a Web-based and Case-oriented TrainingSystem in Medicine. In: 44te Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie GMDS, Heidelberg, Germany.

Martens, Alke and Bernauer, Jochen and Illmann, Torsten and Scheuerer, Claudia and Seitz, Alexander (1999) Docs `n Drugs - Ein webbasiertes multimediales Lehrsystem für die Medizin. In: 4. Workshop der AG CBT in der Medizin der Gmds, Heidelberg, Germany. pp. 63-72.

Martens, Alke and Uhrmacher, A M (1999) Modeling Tutoring as a Dynamic Process - A Discrete Event Simulation Approach. In: European Simulation Multiconference ESM'99, Warsaw, Poland. SCS. pp. 111-119.

Illmann, Torsten and Martens, Alke and Seitz, Alexander and Weber, Michael (1999) A Pattern-Oriented Design of a Web-Based and Case-Oriented Multimedia Training System in Medicine. In: 4th World Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology, Kusadasi, Turkey. pp. 1-13.

Seitz, Alexander and Scheuerer, Claudia and Martens, Alke and Bernauer, Jochen and Thomsen, Jens (1999) An architecture for intelligent support of authoring and tutoring in multimedia learning environments. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 1999, Chesapeake, VA. AACE. pp. 852-857.


Martens, Alke and Maciuszek, Dennis and Hambach, Sybille and Grüter, Barbara (2009) 3. Workshop Game-based Learning 2009. logos Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

Hambach, Sybille and Martens, Alke and Tavangarian, Djamshid and Urban, Bodo (2009) Proceedings of the e-Learning Baltics 2009. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8396-0012-2.

Martens, Alke and Lingnau, Andreas and Harrer, Andreas (2008) Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Inclusive eLearning. Online Publication.

Hambach, Sybille and Martens, Alke and Urban, Bodo (2008) Proceedings of the e-Learning Baltics 2008. Fraunhofer IGD, Stuttgart. ISBN 978-3-8167-7781-6.

Martens, Alke (2004) Ein Tutoring Prozess Modell fuer fallbasierte Intelligente Tutoring Systeme. DISKI 281 . AKA Verlag infix, Rostock, Germany.


Wolff, Torben Bjarne and Martens, Alke (2023) Professionalisierungswege von Informatiklehrkräften bei der Einführung eines Pflichtfachs Informatik In: Wie viel Wissenschaft braucht die Lehrer*innenfortbildung? Wege der Professionalisierung, Vorarlberg.

Martens, Alke and Overstreet, M. (2006) Simulation -- Special Issue on Modeling and Simulation in Teaching and Training.

Martens, Alke (2005) Invited Talk at the Kaleidoscope Symposium 2005.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 21:10:50 2025 CEST.